Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Panel 9

(DISSOLVE TO: Slow zoom/pan down to the base of tower to stop at sight of various dark figures walking slowly in and out along an enormous length of violently shaded red-gold-orange rug)

[MUSIC USED: "Steppinthrax Monastery" from the soundtrack of the Activision game Zork Nemesis]

Panel 8

(DISSOLVE TO: Slow pan in on one of the next-to-main towers, then start panning down tower as next dissolve begins)

[MUSIC USED: "Steppinthrax Monastery" from the soundtrack of the Activision game Zork Nemesis]

Panel 7

(ZOOM IN THROUGH FOILAGE TO: a bizarre fortress-castlelike structure located in the middle of nowhere in the jungle. While there is some form of dirt roadlike areas before it, there are otherwise no other signs of any other civilization. A peculiar reddish-orange glow emits from the inside of the open earth area surrounding the structure's base. Camera pauses for about three seconds to establish the structure's presence on screen, then begins to very slowly zoom in towards the structure. As slow zoom on structure begins, the soundtrack's music softly begins to fade into the background.)

[MUSIC USED: "Steppinthrax Monastery" from the soundtrack of the Activision game Zork Nemesis]

Panel 6

(Camera soon zooms in on a particularly large palm so large and dark that it's black and fills the screen; palm is whisked suddenly aside as camera zooms through/past it)

Panel 5

(Camera continues to move forward through foilage so thick that screen is nearly black; only the vague shadows of some particularly close palms can be occasionally seen)

Panel 4

(DISSOLVE TO: Camera slowly zooming forward through jungle foilage to dense to see through or to make out any specific details)

Panel 3

(PAN STOPS AT: wild jungle located in some distant isolated area. Distant hills and mountains can just barely be seen against the slight grey glow of the horizon)